New Brunswick Beaches

Beautiful New Brunswick Beaches

Take time to refresh and relax this summer on one of New Brunswick’s spectacular beaches. Sandy shores, rocky shores, seashell-packed shores, wildlife-inhabited shores—there are so many to choose from.We’ve listed a few to inspire you.

See map below.

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Miscou Beach

Miscou Island, NB

FB: Peninsule Acadienne NB

Grand-Anse Beach

Grand-Anse, NB

Photo Credit: Emilie Iggiotti

FB: La Plage de Grande-Anse Beach

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Pokeshaw Beach

Pokeshaw, NB

Photo Credit: Tourism Chaleur

FB: Plage Pokeshaw Rock Beach

Youghall Beach

Bathurst, NB

Photo Credit: Tourism Chaleur

FB: Plage Youghall Beach Park

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Beresford Beach

Beresford, NB

FB: Beresford

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Mactaquac Beach

Mactaquac, NB

FB: Mactaquac Park


Herring Cove Provincial Park

Campobello Island, NB

FB: Parc Provincial Herring Cove Provincial Park

Anchorage Provincial Park

Grand Manan, NB

FB: Parc Provincial Anchorage Provincial Park

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New River Beach Provincial Park

New River, NB

Photo Credit: Tourism NB

FB: Parc Provincial New River Beach Park

Gondola Point Beach

Quispamsis, NB

FB: Plage Gondola Point Beach

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Waterside & Dennis Beaches

Waterside, NB

FB: Fundy Biosphere


Johnson's Mills Shorebird Reserve

Johnson's Mills, NB

FB: Conservation de la Nature Conservancy

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Murray Beach Provincial Park

Route 955, NB

FB: Parc Provincial Murray Beach Provincial Park

Aboiteau Beach

Cap-Pelé, NB

FB: Plage l' Aboiteau Beach

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Gagnon Beach

Cap-Pelé, NB

FB: PlageGagnonBeach

Parlee Beach Provincial Park

Shediac, NB

FB: Parc Provincial Parlee Beach Provincial Park


Île-Aux-Foins Beach

Neguac, NB

FB: Neguac

La Dune de Bouctouche_Bouctouche.jpeg__PID:1e739e2a-45b6-49c4-a0c8-e00c2ff641d8

Bouctouche Dunes Beach

Bouctouche, NB

FB: La Dune de Bouctouche

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Kellys Beach, Kouchibouguac National Park

Kouchibouguac, NB

FB: Kellys Beach