Un coeur, quatre pattes

Un coeur, quatre pattes

Regular price $9.95

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Bouton D'or Acadie | Moncton, NB

Text by Danielle Guimond, Mélanie Plourde, and Renée Guimond-Plourde Illustration by Danica Brine Scooter shelf (4 to 8 years old) Synopsis: A dog at school? Oh yes! Jacoby has a very special mission ... It's back to school day and Jacoby is preparing carefully for it. A partner in animal therapy, he may know his task, and he is eager to meet his young friends, that does not prevent him from experiencing anxiety. With Madame Ève's help, the four-legged schoolboy will overcome this obstacle. Then, with his big heart, he will support little Jacob, who comes from Alberta and who must also find his place and his words. A dog at school is unusual, but it can make all the difference!

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