What to make for dinner, that’s an age-old question. How about potatoes?

The potato is a very versatile vegetable which can be part of any meal be it breakfast, lunch or supper. Grown right here in New Brunswick and shipped nationally and internationally, the New Brunswick potato is known for its quality and flavour. When visiting your local grocer, read the bag and make sure you’re buying New Brunswick potatoes.

Packed with nutrition, one medium New Brunswick potato with skin contains:

  • 45 % de l’apport quotidien recommandé en vitamine C;
  • plus de potassium encore (620 mg) que les bananes, les épinards ou le brocoli;
  • 10 % de l’apport quotidien recommandé en vitamine B6

About 20% of the potato’s nutrition is found in the skin. Most of the vitamin C and potassium are found in the potato itself, but that good-for-you fiber is found in the skin. That’s why it’s best to enjoy every part of the spud.

There are many easy and healthy ways to prepare potatoes so they stay nutritious. Try topping a baked potato with salsa, steamed vegetables, and low-fat sour cream or Greek yogurt.

Consider mashing potatoes with low-fat chicken broth. Potatoes roasted with olive oil, garlic and a touch of herbs are delicious. For more great ideas, visit our recipes section at francais.potatorecipes.ca

To find out more about the varieties of New Brunswick potatoes, visit:

Pendant que vous y êtes, jetez un œil aux nombreuses recettes rapides et faciles qui y sont proposées, notamment la tortilla de pommes de terre, la purée de pommes de terre aux légumes, la chaudrée de pommes de terre Colcannon et la salade de pommes de terre thaïlandaise.

À la maison, veillez à conserver vos pommes de terre dans un endroit frais et bien ventilé. Pour des recommandations sur le stockage et la manipulation des pommes de terre, c’est par ici :

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