
Navigate NB™

Les endroits de prédilection des gens du coin.

These hidden gems may be lesser-known but they are near and dear to many New Brunswickers. Navigate NB™ with our unique list of things to taste, see, and experience. From culture to nature to shopping and dining, see for yourself what this beautiful province has to offer, region by region.

North West North East South West South East Central

Ces rivages au dénivelé variable ont bien plus à offrir que de fantastiques paysages. Découvrez quels trésors n’attendent que d’être découverts, dans la ville portuaire, d’île en île et ailleurs dans le sud-ouest.


Looking for culture and adventure? South Eastern New Brunswick is packed full of great food and unique experiences that can only be found here. Crédit photo : Rustic River retreat Richibucto


D’une ville Capitale historique animée à de charmants petits villages, le centre du Nouveau-Brunswick ne cessera jamais de vous étonner avec ses innombrables merveilles cachées.


The gateway to Atlantic Canada is a blend of natural beauty and small-town charm that forms an experience that is distinctly North West NB. Crédit photo : James Donald


Where the powerful sea meets the serene forest in the North East is a series of quaint towns and rich Acadian culture waiting for you to explore. Crédit photo :