Joel Miller Music

Joel Miller Music

Regular price $15.00

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Joel Miller Music | Fredericton, NB


Saxophonist-composer-bandleader Joel Miller continues to push boundaries of creativity and genre with his 2019 album, UNSTOPPABLE. Launched as the opening concert of L’OFF Festival de Jazz de Montreal, the album showcases an orchestra of Montreal’s finest musicians. Dan McClenaghan in All About Jazz wrote, “Miller... seems to be telling us intricate and riveting stories... bringing Walt Disney's 1940 animated film Fantasia to mind.” Miller has built an award-winning career developing an individual voice that incorporates the folk and pop music of his youth with more recent explorations into Afro-Latin and contemporary classical music. He remains a perennial figure in radio charts and Best Of lists. In 1997, on the heels of his début record, Find A Way (1997, Isthmus/Page Music), Miller was awarded the Grand Prix of the Montreal International Jazz Festival. His bands include musicians of international acclaim, including band-leader Christine Jensen, drummers Matt Wilson & Brian Blade; and guitarist Kurt Rosenwinkel (Mandala, Effendi 2005), and pianist Geoffrey Keezer ( Swim, Origin Records, 2012). Swim won a Juno for Best Contemporary Jazz Album and was named Jazz Album of the Year by La Presse and The Ottawa Citizen. His project, Dream Cassette, won an East Coast Music Award in 2016.

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