Get your Garden Ready for Summer
LWhether you like to add flowers to your garden or grow vegetables at home, we have some tips for making your garden grow bigger and better this summer in New Brunswick!
Gardening in New Brunswick
LNew Brunswick is a gorgeous province covered in forests and charming maritime communities. That being said, the weather here is always creating some drama! When choosing what to plant in your garden this summer, adjust your plans to your area and its weather. New Brunswick has regions known for flooding, a shorter growing season, heavy snow, and wind storms.

LThese are not reasons to not have a garden but to build your garden so your plants can survive and thrive in the weather. To avoid these issues, a greenhouse is always an amazing solution. But for those of us who do not have that as an option or not the path we want to take, there are other ways to help your gardens all year round. Prepping your garden for winter in the fall is a huge one. Depending on the plant, it can be from fully covering them or trimming their branches and putting leaves at their bases. Flooding can destroy your garden fast, so be sure to plant in an area you know is safe if spring floods are bad. The shorter growing season is a Canadian problem that we can’t do much about but try to enjoy our outdoor gardens for the limited time we have them. For the occasional wind storm, you can cover your plants with tarps to protect them from the storms, or if you have tall plants, you can tie them to stakes. All easy fixes will help protect your garden and grow your plants strong!
Tips for Beginners
1. Start small
It can be exciting to start your own garden, but don’t take on too much all at once! It can take a few tries to get your plants growing how you want them, so try to do a smaller variety as you start your gardening journey.
2. Take note of the sun exposure
Different plants have different sun needs. Some love the sun and need it as much as possible, like sunflowers, and others prefer the shade, like hostas. Be sure to know your plants' needs when choosing where to grow them.
3. Water with caution
The easiest way to tell if your plants need water is to touch the soil. If it feels damp or the soil sticks to your hand, your plant is still drinking its last watering. If the soil feels dry, give it water! Feel free to start with smaller amounts of water as you learn how fast your plants drink and how often to water them.
4. Pick those weeds!
It can be a tiring chore, but it can make or break your plants' growth! You don’t want all the nutrients in the soil and water you give them to go somewhere else. Pick the weeds as you see them.
5. Cover the ground around your plants
Direct sunlight can dry the soil quickly if nothing covers the ground around your plants. If exposed, this means watering more often and possibly frying the plant's roots. If you have a bushy plant or add mulch on top of the soil, you will be good to go! Some of these can retain water and keep your plants nice and hydrated for longer. A nice perk!
When to Plant

Deciding when to put your seedlings or baby plants in the ground depends on where you live and what the weather is like that year. For most plants, you want to wait until the end of the morning frost to start your outdoor garden. The predicted last frost date for the majority of New Brunswick is May 11th. Using Canada’s plant hardiness zones, New Brunswick sits in Zone 4 & 5, meaning, the farther north you go, the later the frost date will be. To check the best time to start your outdoor garden, use the Almanac to search where you live and what plants you want to grow.
Plant New Brunswick Flowers
Everyone loves to make their homes and properties look gorgeous by adding flower beds to their landscaping. With New Brunswick’s hot summers, we are fortunate to have grown quite a variety of florals successfully, some coming back every year bigger and better. Now, you can grow almost anything if you put your mind to it, BUT here is a list of flowers we know love being grown in New Brunswick.
• Daylilies
• Black-Eyed Susans
• ConeFlowers
• Lupines
• Irises
• Peonies

Vegetable gardens are becoming more popular every year. Nothing quite beats picking something fresh from your garden and tasting your hard work, knowing exactly how it was grown and prepared. With New Brunswick’s growing season only lasting 3-4 months, we need to grow the foods that will produce the most during that time with our weather.
There are gardens all over the province that have wild success with zucchini, cucumbers and even watermelons without a greenhouse. The sky's the limit if you put the work in and have the right environment for your plants. That being said, here is a list of a few vegetables that are suggested for New Brunswick’s climate:
• Broccoli
• Radishes
• Cauliflower
• Cabbage
• Turnips
• Arugula
• Spinach
• Lettuce
This does not include all of the side-season produce you can grow. New Brunswick is known for growing fiddleheads, squashes, asparagus, garlic, and more! When deciding what food you want to grow, use the Almanac to find out when is the best time to plant. Some get planted in the fall, right before winter, and others early in the spring. Be sure to do the research before planting.

Local Plant Nurseries
Looking for a place to buy seeds or plants ready to be added to your garden? We have the list for you! Across New Brunswick, there are so many plant nurseries that are selling everything you need for your garden to be a success! Here are the top rated gardens in New Brunswick:
• MacArthur’s Nurseries Inc. | Moncton
• Scott’s Nursery | Fredericton
• CedarCrest Gardens | Saint John
• EllenStreet Florals | Miramichi
• Skyline Gardens | Keswick Ridge
• Cornhill Nursery | Cornhill
• Belleisle Gardens | Sussex
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